Dexter Middle School services 789 students, in grades 6 - 8, 90% of these students are Latino/Hispanic and the remaining 10% is comprised of African American, White, Asian and Filipino students. Dexter has recently moved teachers into teams which means that in 7th and 8th grade five teachers share roughly 130 students and in 6th grade two teachers share roughly 60 students. This change has allowed our teachers to deeply know their students and designed instruction that has been crafted to meet student needs. Dexter's teachers and staff work tirelessly to improve student achievement and continually monitor student progress through the use of Smarter Balanced Assessments. The results of these assessments are used to reflect upon student progress and plan additional instruction, including remediation and extension, where appropriate. Four elementary schools feed into Dexter at the conclusion of the 5th grade: Longfellow Elementary School, Orange Grove Elementary School, Mill School of Technology, and Jackson Elementary School. The school maintains an open-door policy to carefully establish and maintain the vital line of communication between the home and school. Dexter recognizes that parents are an important component in every child's future. A strong partnership between home and school fosters greater success for our children.